Hrvati nasrnuli na američki Glamour: "Mogli ste provjeriti tko je ona"
Gotovo svi komentari na web stranicama američkog Glamoura, na vijest koja se odnosi na izbor 20 žena godine dolaze od hrvatskih posjetitelja. Zapravo tek je jedan komentar stigao i iz Bosne i Hercegovine, izražavajući čuđenje da je magazin odabrao i predsjednicu Federacije BiH i potpredsjednicu HDZ-a BiH, Borjanu Krišto. Nitko, ali baš nitko iz ostalih 18 zemalja iz kojih dolaze odabrane političarke, od kojih se svaka suočava s nezadovoljstvom dijela građana svojih država, nije smatrao potrebnim reagirati na izbor očito neupućenih novinara Glamoura.
Jedan komentator usporedio je izbor Jadranke Kosor među žene godine s izborom Hitlera ili Staljina za promicanje ljudskih prava. Dobar dio Glamourom uzrujanih Hrvata, nadajući se da će netko čitati njihove komentare, objašnjavao je i nedavnu premijerkinu zgodu s lažnom, odnosno „nelažnom“ Fendi torbicom. Svi se slažu da je izbor magazina ničim opravdan i da je uvreda za sve Hrvate, kao i za drugih 19 odabranih žena koje su stavljene uz rame Jadranki Kosor, vjerojatno niti ne poznavajući „radni opus“ ostalih odabranica. Jedan komentator otišao je i toliko daleko da je ustvrdio kako bi u Francuskoj ova premijerka odavno bila prošlost, pekla bi kolače ili sjedila u zatvorskoj ćeliji.
Mnogi su se sjetili pripomenuti da Kosor uopće nije izabrana na premijersko mjesto voljom naroda, a neki su ogorčeno isticali da je premijerka zapravo mafijaški „boss“, dok su je drugi okarakterizirali kao najveće zlo koje je Hrvatsku pogodilo nakon Domovinskog rata. Napisano je i da se ona ne bori protiv korupcije već je i sama korumpirana te da je na čelu Vlade koja ignorira peticiju potpisanu od „780.000 građana svoje zemlje“.
Svi redom su se ljutili na američku redakciju, jer prije odabira, očito nije uložila nimalo truda da provjeri zaslužuje li Kosor ovu „počast“ te je jedini kriterij odabira bila činjenica, koju je performer Siniša Labrović, javno i osporio, da je Jadranka Kosor žena. Jedan se posjetitelj čak i složio s Labrovićevim sumnjama, zaključivši da „ona nije žena, već nešto između žohara i gliste“. Nipošto nismo bili ignoranti i izabrali samo komentare koji negativno percipiraju našu premijerku, jer su baš svi komentari upravo takvi u što se, ako ne vjerujete Lupigi, možete uvjeriti klikom na ovaj link.
I'm Croatian citezen and I am disgusted that you chose Jadranka Kosor. I'm not sure that you are aware of the state of country. Croatian people are hungry an jobless. The all govermet is corupted. 'Kosor has fearlessly battled government corruption, domestic violence and even gender stereotyping in school.' She does not fight goverment corruption, and ask her how many women was killed by becouse of domestic violence and do not forget the Luka Ritz who was killed by huligans just becouse he was not like them. The huligans recived just a slap on the rist in the court. That is Croatia and that is Jadranka Kosor.
Posted 11/5/2010 10:14:56am by bublica
I'm from Croatia, and I know the facts, but you obviously don't! This way of journalism is sick. Your journalist does not know anything about Croatia, people who lives there, or our corrupted government along with Jadranka Kosor. Try to reed our news paper, and to see how many leading politicians from HDZ, party witch Kosor is a president is in jail or under investigation. They destroyed the whole country! So next time dear journalist, check the facts! P.S. Rubix, don't insult Sarah Palin :-)
Posted 11/4/2010 8:44:21am by Brkoni
'nasty comments' are not related to the tragic fact Kosor is a woman and prime minister. they refer to a brief but totally false quote: 'Kosor has fearlessly battled government corruption, domestic violence and even gender stereotyping in school.' there is no evidence she ever made such wonderful and commendable work.in the sam time,there is an abudance of evidence Kosor is incompetent and liar.
Posted 11/4/2010 2:17:33am by Truth
I must say that I feel ashamed of all those Croats who have posted these nasty comments about the Croatian PM Jadranka Kosor. While it is true that PM Kosor public image is worse than in the first half of her mandate, that there are many thing she could have done better, and still should do, to say that "she is a mafia boss and the greatest evil that has befallen Croatia after the war", that she is uneducated (Croatian PM graduated from the Law School, stupid,etc. is really too much. Those who posted these comments about J.Kosor, know very well that the nominations are not done based on those womens' IQ, popularity or quality of their work as presidents or prime ministers. Therefore, to spit on the Glamour selection, to request revoking of award, etc. proves that the commentators are lacking some family education. And intelligence and some class, too. P.S. Posted by a person not belonging to any party, a person who uses his own head for judgement and who does not fall on the newspapers headlines.
Posted 11/3/2010 8:56:45pm by CheckpointCharlie
Jadranka Kosor is seamy,poorly educated women.She is the perfect example for the fact that ambition isnt always good characteristic.In the comunication she is arrogant and demagogue.She doesnt have style and any kind of charm.She doesnt know how to use computer and doesnt speak any foreign language.Really,she doesnt have any quality to be powerfull model to anybody,especially to the young girls.
Posted 11/3/2010 4:30:26pm by mucvaljkic
Wow, you Americans are so ignorant. The only reason you have nominated Jadranka Kosor for this award is because of the fact that she is a woman. You haven't even bothered to do some research and find out what kind of person and politician she really is. You can be ashamed of yourself!! Well, let me help you get your facts straight. Jadranka Kosor was never elected to be prime minister of Croatia, she was installed by her previous mafia boss Ivo Sanader (who faces some serious jail time in near future), she is a woman without any moral or ethical standards and is stupid beyond belief (she is a cross between Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin and corrupt like Don Vito Corleone). Can you do me just one favor? If she comes to receive this award, please let her talk in english. I promise you'll laugh your ass off!!!
Posted 11/3/2010 11:10:38am by rubix
What a joke that your magazine should nominate Jadranka Kosor, a politician who has not been democratically elected to the position of Prime Minister of Croatia. Rather she was installed by the previous PM who resigned and who himself is now under investigation for corruption (and whom she totally supported during his criminal mandate). Kosor's so-called battle against corruption is selective and aimed at opponents, while she has surrounded herself with Ministers who are themselves blatantly corrupt and continue to entrench their own people in positions of power. The Croatian people are screaming for an early election yet Ms Kosor, your so-called democratic crusader, refuses to give them the chance to have their say. In any case her party, the HDZ, has driven Croatia to bankruptcy and the task of getting this country back on its feet after years of plundering by Kosor's party will be a difficult one. Glamour needs to improve its research skills....the least your magazine could do is revoke your award to Ms Kosor and not pay for her junket trip to NY!
Posted 11/3/2010 10:19:10am by tlb
Hopefully, You will listen to the people of Croatia and revoke the undeserved award before You completely lose face! We may not be Your market, and You can thank Jadranka for that too!
Posted 11/3/2010 9:56:29am by vanja
I hope someone from the magazine is reading these comments, because you should get aware of the mistake you did. I'm sorry that you didn't do enough research prior to awarding Jadranka Kosor, because she definitely doesn't deserve this award. This is an insult to all Croatians. The truth is just the opposite of what you write in your magazine. She is not supported by croatian people (nor was elected to lead the country), she is definitely not competent for being a prime minister and her campaign agains corruption is just a sham because she is just as corrupted as accused politicians - they were all her coleagues a year ago!! Decisions she (and the rest of the government) made are taking the country to ever increasing crisis and recession, croatian economy is dead, uneployment rate is extermly high and peope are living on the edge of poverty. But yet, she claims that the chrisis is over, like she is living in some imaginary world and doesn't want to admit that she is leading the country in a wrong direction. And while Croatia is strugling with the largest chrisis since the war in 90's, she will travel to New York to accept your award. Do you think "Woman of the year" would do that?!?
Posted 11/3/2010 8:03:54am by anchi
As a Croatian citizen I am deeply ashamed and disgusted you chose Jadranka Kosor to be one of the Women of the Year 2010. Jadranka Kosor, former premier Ivo Sanader's right-hand woman, knew all about their mutual party's involvment in the corruption and economical crime that is shaking the country for several years. She's a self-exposer with very little politcial knowledge and experience and is very unpopular amongst the Croatian population. Her campaign against corruption is a big farce with the only intention to trick the European Union into believing that the country is serious about coming clean with corruption in the country. All suspects have been released, have not been processed and most of them have been granted immunity from prosecution.
Posted 11/3/2010 5:34:57am by BombTrack
Jadanka Kosor is a mafia boss and the greatest evil that has befallen Croatia after the war. She was not elected prime minister in elections rather than installed by her boss. Recently, a reporter asked why she in the middle of Croatian crisis buying expensive handbags Fendi Peekaboo. She replied that it was not original but a good cheap copy:)
Posted 11/3/2010 5:05:15am by Zex
Jadranka Kosor?! Please be seriuos. Check your facts before nominate someone, you can simple ask 99.99999% of Croats. and btw does she need to make a speech? ask her something in english:)
Posted 11/3/2010 4:19:32am by zaboravio_sam
when asked about her Fendi bag, mrs Kosor said: oh no, it's a fake, not original Fendi. when they told her fake product are illegal, she said: oh no, my bag is not fake-it's faux! your award to J.Kosor is an insult to the vast majority of Croats, thank you very much, everything she does is in the range from fake to faux.
Posted 11/3/2010 2:59:16am by Truth
nominating Jadranka Kosor as a woman of the year is an insult to any other decent woman out there, and it is specifically an insult to vast majority of Croats. She is incompetent, corrupted, lacks even basic language and social skills. What she does very sucesfully, though, is embarrassing us whenever she visits abroad and makes a public appearance. only due to Croat's apathy and passivness she is still the prime minister. If she were a politician in France, she'd be long gone, baking cookies in a prison cell somewhere. From the point of Your magazine interests - do You really want to nominate a person who will be destroyed in the next elections, do you care about thing called credibility. This nomination is a joke - it's like nominating Hitler and Stalin for human rights promotion. A disgrace!
Posted 11/3/2010 2:04:55am by Bender
Jadranka Kosor is nothing but a Mafia Boss in head of modern mafia state. And IMPORTANT! SHE WAS NOT CHOSEN IN DEMOCRATIC PROCESS NO CROATIAN CITIZEN VOTED FOR HER SHE WAS INSTALLED by the previous mafia boss Ivo Sanader.
Posted 11/3/2010 1:39:34am by webmacho
Jadranka Kosor is corrupted herself and is not fighting corruption at all,and one day she'll end up in court for that just like her predecessor. She doesn't deserve this award or any titles of honor! Get your facts straight before starting to write an article...
Posted 11/2/2010 7:56:57pm by JDgirl
"Kosor has fearlessly battled government corruption" please don't claim false statements. You should do some research about Croatia and our government before nominating her for a woman of the year. You really shouldn't encourage her in her work (maybe I shouldn't say work because she isn't really doing anything constructive). I usually don't comment on articles and I'm extremely apolitical but this is a disgrace for your magazine and absolutely nothing for Croatian people to be proud of. Greetings from Croatia!
Posted 11/2/2010 7:00:51pm by sandamil
I join the previous comments on Jadranka Kosor, the Prime Minister of Croatia. Obviously, your only criterion for this award was the fact that a woman is in power, somewhere, somehow. The circumstances surrounding her election, and how she gained access to this ruling elite (i.e. the ruling party HDZ which is directly responsible for today's abysmal economical situation in the country, its members and affiliates having looted Croatia since the 90s), as well as her wrong moves on a number of important issues, own dubious values re the position of a woman in the modern (Croatian) society and in her family, were clearly not, which is ironic for a magazine that among other things promotes female empowerment. Sure, Kosor has had some real achievements in her short reign, but does that qualify her as a woman of the year? Hardly. Surely the standard needs to be much higher than that? Well done for doing almost no research, and for insulting hundreds of thousands of Croatian women who do better than Kosor every day of their lives.
Posted 11/2/2010 6:58:27pm by CoolCatNL
Jadranka Kosor?!?!? You must be joking??!? Right?? You said "Kosor has fearlessly battled government corruption" and she was like vice prime minister of Croatia for 7 years and now she fighting a corruption?!?! She was second in command and she knew about corruption for 7 years and did nothing. She still does nothing, only put party outcasts and write-offs in prison!!! Moreover, she laugh when opposition asked about Ivo Sanader (ex. prime minister) 200 000 € watch collection. She laugh when opposition asked about non transparent election campaign financing. She laugh when they asked her about her 2500 € FENDI hand bag (OK, she didn't laugh, she got mad and told us that it is a FAKE?!??! ... imagine, female prime minister with counterfeited FENDI hand bag, LOL) Also, she got her apartment in the way that her party government in 90s trow two minors without of the parents, out on the street, so she could move in. One of them killed him self few years ago, second one lives in poverty. Also in last few year number of killed women in domestic violence got higher the ever. We got 780000 signs of people asking for referendum being overlooked and dismiss by politically guided constitutional court! Real award material, but I guess everything in this world has it price, so does this award!! This is not some opposition fairytale. This is the true.
Posted 11/2/2010 2:56:35pm by grac1973
She will definitely lose next elections, her rating is pour, her ministers corrupted...She is quite arrogant, denies her party involved in many affairs, although most of them already in prison.
Posted 11/2/2010 1:59:51pm by Bret
HDZ governed by Jadranka Kosor is criminal and corrupted organization. Mrs. Jadranka Kosor is aware of all scandals. Most people in government institutions are politically chosen by HDZ and thats why they keep a huge number of employees in government institutions to won elections. So, Croatian government institutions are corrupted, and Jadranka Kosor didn`t do anything regarding this matter . Approximately 20 % Croatian citizens support her. That is reality.
Posted 11/2/2010 1:45:03pm by thetruth
She is not a Women, she is something between a Cockroach and Earthworm.
Posted 11/2/2010 1:21:25pm by Volim_Hrvatsku
Jadranka Kosor, prime minister of Croatia, does not deserve this award. I'm very sad you gave her one, for a cheap political make-up...and a truth is-she is the most unpopular politician and the most hated woman in Croatia.
Posted 11/2/2010 12:43:02pm by Truth
Jadranka Kosor is a member of a political criminal organizations - HDZ !
Posted 11/2/2010 12:39:22pm by barba
Teška vremena zahtjevaju teške odluke. HDZ-ova vlast se našla u teškim vremenima. Naravno da i ta vlast griješi. Svi griješimo. Koliko imaju pogrešaka ovisi o promatraču. Dok ću ja reći vrlo malo, netko drugi će reći puno. A tako je danas, polupismeni se razumiju u monetarnu i fiskalnu politiku....